World of Gopher: Lost + Found Book - sold out
World of Gopher: First book out this summer....
World of Gopher: New title for book, aye...
World of Gopher: New York skyline
World of Gopher: New York skyline..closer
World of Gopher: New York skyline
World of Gopher: New York skyline
World of Gopher: New York
World of Gopher: New York skyline....
World of Gopher: Book illustration, Streets of NYC
World of Gopher: New York street 1
World of Gopher: NY_street. cropped-detail from book
World of Gopher: New-York-collage
World of Gopher: New York skyline2
World of Gopher: Philadelphia
World of Gopher: Italian market. Cropped detail from book
World of Gopher: Bird on a wire
World of Gopher: Philadelphia-from-above
World of Gopher: Ivan's Eliburn
World of Gopher: China town
World of Gopher: New York skyline
World of Gopher: Market square, cropped detail. Book illustration
World of Gopher: City Hall
World of Gopher: Royal mile
World of Gopher: Book illustration
World of Gopher: No horn honking......
World of Gopher: Book illustration, South street
World of Gopher: No more houses for Livi
World of Gopher: Cropped detail. Book Launch soon....