goosmurf: Only took 3 attempts to get this timer shot ;)
goosmurf: Beer, no shoes, no skill, axe, what could go wrong?
goosmurf: Chop chop
goosmurf: One of us could actually hit his mark
goosmurf: Chillaxin'
goosmurf: Mark has no pyro tendencies
goosmurf: Burrrrrn
goosmurf: Mrs Giuseppi
goosmurf: Our first pizza
goosmurf: Cross-step ladling
goosmurf: Pizza
goosmurf: Our first pizza :D
goosmurf: Papa Giuseppi
goosmurf: Hawaiian pizza comin right up
goosmurf: N-Tropy
goosmurf: Mark and his friction shenanigans
goosmurf: Who needs auto-rotation!