goosmurf: Mushroom mushroom!
goosmurf: Mamee Multi-vitamins!
goosmurf: Harvest the power of nature
goosmurf: Hello Kitty gonna bite your head off
goosmurf: Looks like fries
goosmurf: Waiting for Yum Cha
goosmurf: QQ Rice
goosmurf: Star Ferry
goosmurf: Twinkling Star it is not
goosmurf: Marriage discussion
goosmurf: All boats are welcome in HK harbour
goosmurf: Left brain, right brain
goosmurf: The Star Ferry Co. Ltd.
goosmurf: We apologise for the inconvenience caused
goosmurf: Doraemon truck FTW
goosmurf: Watch out for those crazy slopes
goosmurf: Maintain Your Slopes, Maintain Your Safety ^_^
goosmurf: Speak English with confidence
goosmurf: HK Signage
goosmurf: 0-day courier
goosmurf: SATA, USB, FireWire Mac & Windows compatible Croissant
goosmurf: Peak Hour @ mid-levels
goosmurf: Seow living the good life
goosmurf: Laughter
goosmurf: Another Seow witticism
goosmurf: Pierre powers up
goosmurf: Pierre & Brian
goosmurf: Mango & Green Tea ice cream
goosmurf: Prawn crackers, with calcium!
goosmurf: No steaming poo!