goosmurf: Curly whitewash
goosmurf: Curly whitewash
goosmurf: Freshie whitewash
goosmurf: Nutcase swimming in the pool @ Freshie
goosmurf: Freshie
goosmurf: Big lumps @ Freshie
goosmurf: Freshie
goosmurf: Sand, sand everywhere
goosmurf: Covered in sand
goosmurf: Covered in sand
goosmurf: Sand, sand everywhere
goosmurf: Sand scattered across the car park @ Freshie
goosmurf: Sand scattered across the car park @ Freshie
goosmurf: Windy
goosmurf: Abort! Abort!
goosmurf: Abort! Abort!
goosmurf: Abort! Abort!
goosmurf: DSCF0236
goosmurf: DSCF0235
goosmurf: DSCF0234