goosmurf: Munch! :)
goosmurf: Munch! :)
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goosmurf: Fully loaded BBQ
goosmurf: Steve, KT and Dai Yee on the BBQ
goosmurf: Nomination for Best BBQ Lighting goes to ... Steve
goosmurf: Kar Ling with all the food :O
goosmurf: Cheese!
goosmurf: Yi Jeong and Dai Yee
goosmurf: Steve & Karl, #1 cleaning crew
goosmurf: KT prepares the salad
goosmurf: Kar Men & Kar Ling preparing the corn
goosmurf: Aunt & I made coffee choc chip cookies
goosmurf: Charlie the Unicorn
goosmurf: :-P
goosmurf: Kar Men eats
goosmurf: Jung
goosmurf: Ma holds up the Jung