cubeghost: hemispheres
cubeghost: dissection
cubeghost: fiberglass
cubeghost: symphony
cubeghost: cortical
cubeghost: aphasia
cubeghost: in any state but ours
cubeghost: sandwich
cubeghost: swim while you can
cubeghost: 800 miles in your shoes
cubeghost: 0876
cubeghost: oh, i am not quite sleeping
cubeghost: for the world is yours
cubeghost: and i have a sister
cubeghost: borderline
cubeghost: liberated space
cubeghost: detroit is very much alive
cubeghost: spirit
cubeghost: of bubble tea and nirvana and darkness
cubeghost: burned at sea
cubeghost: ch-ch-ch-changes
cubeghost: you're doing nothing wrong
cubeghost: sleight of hand
cubeghost: no one around
cubeghost: gifts to the world