Guo Qi: 祈年殿 / The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests
Guo Qi: Master at Work
Guo Qi: 累 / Tired
Guo Qi: 模具 / Molds
Guo Qi: Vase in Process
Guo Qi: 瓷碗 / Ceramic Bowls
Guo Qi: 街市 / Street Market
Guo Qi: Festival of Lights
Guo Qi: Playing with Self
Guo Qi: Brown Bamboo
Guo Qi: Sand Wrinkles
Guo Qi: Sand Wrinkles
Guo Qi: 巴丹吉林沙漠/Badain Jaran Desert
Guo Qi: 巴丹吉林沙漠/Badain Jaran Desert
Guo Qi: 巴丹吉林沙漠/Badain Jaran Desert
Guo Qi: 巴丹吉林沙漠/Badain Jaran Desert
Guo Qi: 进入沙漠 / Into the Desert
Guo Qi: 致敬上海世博 / Tribute to Shanghai World Expo
Guo Qi: 入口/The Entrance
Guo Qi: 黑水城遗址-城墙上 / Blackwater City-on the wall
Guo Qi: 黑水城遗址 / Blackwater City
Guo Qi: 黑水城遗址 / Blackwater City
Guo Qi: 黑水城遗址 / Blackwater City
Guo Qi: 黑水城遗址 / Blackwater City
Guo Qi: 黑城侧影 / Silhouette of the Black City
Guo Qi: 最后一瞬间 / The Final Moment
Guo Qi: My Altec
Guo Qi: Light Pattern