googoojue: rules didn't prevent them from doing it!
googoojue: this is the uniform the ghost was wearing...
googoojue: yet another British uniform... up close...
googoojue: more British Uniforms
googoojue: Canadian soldiers wore British army uniforms...
googoojue: foot soldier's the AM and PM - without the wrinkles though!
googoojue: backpack, blanket, water caneen
googoojue: Life @ the Garrison, Fort York, Foot soldier's residence...
googoojue: Wataru & Zen shot for the day...
googoojue: 8:00 AM Toronto view from the foot soldier's barrack...
googoojue: soldier's uniforms over time...
googoojue: Fort York
googoojue: the fireplace....
googoojue: an awesome collection of cast-iron and copper wares
googoojue: ADAD.97: love a man in uniform...
googoojue: canon
googoojue: at another angle...
googoojue: from the front..
googoojue: Ship Chandler...
googoojue: not as a big as I thought...
googoojue: Hee hee..
googoojue: Stoned
googoojue: marking his territory
googoojue: One Lone soldier...
googoojue: Handsome fella...
googoojue: early morning shot of Wasabi
googoojue: an enviable spice cupboard!
googoojue: real wood cupboards...
googoojue: The head cooks quarters? I can't quite remember...
googoojue: Captain and Officer's Quarters