googoojue: ADED.283: waking up to a visitor!
googoojue: 18.365: Lending a helping hand...
googoojue: 8.365 ABAD: Orange you in lurve...
googoojue: tada..
googoojue: can't get enough of flowers...
googoojue: 20.52: tree blossoms
googoojue: 7.365 ABAD: Yummy dessert!
googoojue: ADED.66: mmmm....
googoojue: ADED:53: be careful what you ask for...
googoojue: ADED: 138: they're almost as big as the tower!
googoojue: BPC.2: The tallest freestanding structure in the world for over 30 years!
googoojue: ADED.248: too much hair...
googoojue: come cuties...
googoojue: pullips in a row...
googoojue: Family photos...
googoojue: all in the family...
googoojue: nice table decorations...
googoojue: more family photos...
googoojue: all in the family...
googoojue: ADED.328: still a bloomin' ...
googoojue: Girl loves Boy...
googoojue: a pie as big as me!
googoojue: 19.366: Yup, I am a Takara...
googoojue: bigger than her head! LOL
googoojue: ADED.157: closed... then...
googoojue: ADED.215: huge-o-mongous!
googoojue: 31.52: larger than her!