googoojue: ADED.61: blythe & machines, an ongoing study...
googoojue: clean-dirty
googoojue: ADED: 55:soft-hard
googoojue: ADED.47: more machinery...
googoojue: ADAD.12: snowplow tragedy...
googoojue: it's a ford... she reads...
googoojue: 124.366: a grand ole dame...
googoojue: 137.366: Wanna lift, in my...
googoojue: Motorized Rickshaw
googoojue: 155.366: Travelling by Motorized Rickshaw and...
googoojue: 156.366: Quivering...
googoojue: 190.366: Gabriella used to...
googoojue: car afficianado sp?
googoojue: Ford 53
googoojue: white walled tires...
googoojue: hanging out...
googoojue: My name is not Victoria!
googoojue: some cool wheels!
googoojue: Helping out with chores...
googoojue: 362.366: just hinting that it's time...
googoojue: My sewing machine...
googoojue: ADED.41: where's Waldo, I mean, Wataru?
googoojue: closer....
googoojue: rawr... backhoe part.
googoojue: whoa, on a slant.
googoojue: hanging out...
googoojue: 8.52: need some head protection in case she falls!
googoojue: niiice!
googoojue: ADED.112: her modest wheels!
googoojue: Datsun!