googoojue: Wink!
googoojue: moof 'n mittens...
googoojue: Happy Hallowe'en!
googoojue: moof on over, I can wear them too...
googoojue: ADED.17: Moof over, time to get up...
googoojue: Moof on over, make room for us!
googoojue: who's that! ?
googoojue: DSC01167
googoojue: thanks for the lovely cake Linda!
googoojue: ADED.48: mittens! too big for Moof!
googoojue: ADED.153: every day is a bad hair day...
googoojue: ADED.345: MoMoMons! Nom Nom Nom!
googoojue: ADED.358: not a creature was stirring...
googoojue: ADED.90: BIG!
googoojue: ADED.222: did you know...
googoojue: ADED.280: She's blooming again!
googoojue: but she's not happy about her hair...
googoojue: I insist...
googoojue: ADAD.8: body comparisons