googoojue: Amanda's Gwendolyn... Before...
googoojue: Orange chippies
googoojue: Pink chippies
googoojue: Green chippies
googoojue: Blue chippies and goopy mark under right eye...
googoojue: not too much goope!
googoojue: Back: see height difference in ADG/Kenner legs?
googoojue: Front: see height difference in ADG/Kenner legs?
googoojue: inside of adg body, prepping to remove pelvis and legs
googoojue: hello! new body and old
googoojue: mostly thatched, different light, hair looks diferent colour
googoojue: separated, ready to thatch
googoojue: post wash, not thatched
googoojue: flippy, do!
googoojue: mirror, mirror! hairwash!
googoojue: melt mark below the right eye, gone now!
googoojue: twisty hair! having fun
googoojue: She's had a haircut
googoojue: She's had a haircut
googoojue: hello!
googoojue: full hair back there!
googoojue: off with the pelvis and leg...
googoojue: oops, a crack... and not her natural one! hee hee
googoojue: nice sides, not too much yellow
googoojue: full hair, not fully thatched
googoojue: nice sides, not too much yellow
googoojue: fitting soon!
googoojue: in her spa towel...
googoojue: cut and style...
googoojue: backside...