googoojue: 91.365: hanging out with her friend...
googoojue: 90.365: Hiding...
googoojue: 103.365: A trip to the...
googoojue: 102.365: Kozy, no.. cozy on a trip...
googoojue: 101.365: nice weather outdoors...
googoojue: 100.365: A connaisseur of...
googoojue: 98.365: Wishing she could travel...
googoojue: 97.365: Lions, Tigers, no bears... oh my
googoojue: 96.365: Missed a photo... here's how...
googoojue: 95.365: secret tip...
googoojue: 94.365 & 15.52: New bodies...
googoojue: 93.365: Fuzzy wuzzy was a doll...
googoojue: 92.365: Yup, 12"...
googoojue: 89.365: Just hanging out...
googoojue: 88.365 & 14.52 : "It might be short...
googoojue: 87:365: Nice day, so out for fresh air...
googoojue: 85.365: Too much surfing, need...
googoojue: 84.365 - Happy Easter everyone!
googoojue: 83.365: Bikini time is near...
googoojue: 82.365: Resplendent in her vintage...
googoojue: 81.365: Chanelling Cherry Berry...
googoojue: 80.365: Yeah it's spring...
googoojue: 79.365: Pleasure reading...
googoojue: 78.365: Just hanging out...
googoojue: 77.365: Luck of the Irish...
googoojue: 76:365: Back to her lovely dark brown mane...
googoojue: 75.365: Wondering what it would be like...
googoojue: 74.365: Wondering what it would be like...
googoojue: 73.365: Cute Stock wear...
googoojue: 72:365: Lessons...