googly: Kārearea street art
googly: You are a star
googly: Collected
googly: Dream today
googly: In the air
googly: Free to choose
googly: Laid darkly
googly: Caught by the breeze
googly: Only natural colours
googly: Woven with care
googly: Under-foot
googly: Happy Christmas!
googly: More tea?
googly: Turn around
googly: Temple of Wisdom
googly: Had a dream
googly: To see some part of the world
googly: Continuing until the end
googly: Frozen in time
googly: Begin with certainties
googly: End with doubts
googly: Silence of solitude
googly: Enveloping all within
googly: No Access
googly: This path will take you places
googly: Just the tip
googly: Closed for the season
googly: More imagination
googly: Know thyself
googly: Elevate your celebration