Neato1: 1991 Lloyd and a friend
Neato1: 1994 From the kitchen
Neato1: 1994 Lloyd and a friend
Neato1: 1993 Me, Lloyd, Helen, and M-E
Neato1: 1994. Rusty, Spike, Polly, Lloyd
Neato1: Our place mid 1990s
Neato1: Melbourne mid 1990s
Neato1: Rusty mid 1990s
Neato1: Lloyd and Rusty mid 1990s
Neato1: 1993 Rusty
Neato1: 1993 Rusty
Neato1: 1993 Rusty
Neato1: 1991 Me, Arthur Street, South Yarra, Melbourne
Neato1: 1993 Down the back, Arthur Street, South Yarra, Melbourne
Neato1: 1992, Easter. Lloyd, me, mum, Helen
Neato1: 1993 Lloyd
Neato1: 1994 Lloyd and friends