Neato1: Tree roots, Mount Horror
Neato1: Walking on Mount Horror
Neato1: Coming down Mount Horror
Neato1: Walking up Mount Horror
Neato1: Roots and stone, Mount Horror
Neato1: View walking up Mount Horror
Neato1: Tomahawk River this evening
Neato1: Mount Horror from the Tomahawk River
Neato1: Beside the Tomahawk River this evening
Neato1: Mount Horror from the north this evening. Driving home.
Neato1: Driving home this evening. Mount Horror from the north
Neato1: Stanley and The Nut
Neato1: Highfield, Stanley, from The Nut
Neato1: Highfield, Stanley, Tasmania
Neato1: Perkins Bay, Stanley
Neato1: The Nut, Stanley
Neato1: Near Stanley
Neato1: Stanley in the drizzle and the path up the nut
Neato1: Remains of convict barracks at the end of the road
Neato1: Lloyd with binoculars
Neato1: Posts of columnar basalt
Neato1: Stanley again, and unknown swimmer
Neato1: Frog in the hydrangea
Neato1: John and Lloyd at work
Neato1: Seaton Cove, East coast of Tasmania
Neato1: The object of the exercise in the John and Lloyd photo
Neato1: Our neighbour wanted a better view from her kitchen window ...
Neato1: A favourite irrigator, just down the road
Neato1: A cat and a cobweb in Petone, NZ
Neato1: Wellingtonians and a pigeon watching the cricket last week