cheeeesekate: 14/365
cheeeesekate: welcome to scotland
cheeeesekate: a unique experience
cheeeesekate: brrrrrrrr
cheeeesekate: skating
cheeeesekate: 15/365
cheeeesekate: 17hrs of darkness
cheeeesekate: gonna need a bigga hamma
cheeeesekate: ice gives way to glooooop
cheeeesekate: 16/365
cheeeesekate: freshly baked
cheeeesekate: best trophy ever.
cheeeesekate: recovery in the cairngorms
cheeeesekate: razzzzzzzz
cheeeesekate: everything's better in amber
cheeeesekate: perfect.
cheeeesekate: 17/365
cheeeesekate: to the coire's
cheeeesekate: brilliiiiaaaant
cheeeesekate: 18/365
cheeeesekate: hello...maybe next time
cheeeesekate: goat track
cheeeesekate: concentrate
cheeeesekate: weather station