scruggs: second menu
scruggs: ben taking care of business
scruggs: cooking up the shrimp chips
scruggs: love in the kitchen
scruggs: consistency
scruggs: prepping the 1st course
scruggs: kajiki sashimi
scruggs: kajiki sashimi
scruggs: teri, martha, and mushrooms
scruggs: great night for great food
scruggs: chef andrew = all smiles
scruggs: slow poached egg
scruggs: slow poached egg
scruggs: pork duo army
scruggs: pork duo
scruggs: teri helping out in the kitchen
scruggs: prepping the 4th course
scruggs: hu tieu
scruggs: hu tieu
scruggs: prepping the 5th course
scruggs: coconut pandan toast army
scruggs: coconut pandan toast
scruggs: the pig and the lady crew
scruggs: the pig and mama le
scruggs: mama le smack
scruggs: andy tanking seven daughters
scruggs: leah and andrew love
scruggs: me and bokeh