Gonzo Alonso:
1928 McCracken reunion
Gonzo Alonso:
flowing well Geneveve McCracken and Ethel McCracken, cousins 1930s
Gonzo Alonso:
flowing well Geneveve McCracken and Ethel McCracken, cousins 1930s
Gonzo Alonso:
Flowing well now
Gonzo Alonso:
flowing well 2005
Gonzo Alonso:
Flairton building NY with Robert and Matilda 1919 then and now
Gonzo Alonso:
Old McCracken homestead
Gonzo Alonso:
Matilda, Lizzie, Cal Boyd, Robert, Uncle Willie McCracken, Sitting Milton, Uncle Roy Alexander,
Gonzo Alonso:
Old homestead Robert and Ethel 2 years, 5 months
Gonzo Alonso:
old homestead - South West corner
Gonzo Alonso:
Our Gang
Gonzo Alonso:
Ethel 4th Birthday party
Gonzo Alonso:
Jim McCracken's log cabin in the woods
Gonzo Alonso:
McCracken curve
Gonzo Alonso:
McCracken bend
Gonzo Alonso:
McCracken bend
Gonzo Alonso:
McCracken farm Christmas b 1954 - photo taken by Jerry Allison
Gonzo Alonso:
McCracken farm Christmas 2008a
Gonzo Alonso:
McCracken farm Christmas 1954 --- photo taken by Jerry Allison
Gonzo Alonso:
McCracken farm Christmas 2008a
Gonzo Alonso:
McCracken Bend Bridge constuction 1940
Gonzo Alonso:
McCracken Bend Bridge constuction 1940 (2)
Gonzo Alonso:
McCracken bend Orris Housk with wheel barrow of cement
Gonzo Alonso:
farm house
Gonzo Alonso:
Farm house 2
Gonzo Alonso:
far house 3
Gonzo Alonso:
Cherry tree by driveway
Gonzo Alonso:
Gonzo Alonso:
Pearl's big adventure - March 1954
Gonzo Alonso:
Millie, Milton, Ray, Glady and Ethel