Gone2Disneyland: Gallery Nucleus
Gone2Disneyland: Bob Peak
Gone2Disneyland: Excalibur and a Hollywood Tribute
Gone2Disneyland: Academy Players
Gone2Disneyland: Academy Players - Close-Up
Gone2Disneyland: Fashion Model Portrait
Gone2Disneyland: Fashion Model Portrait - Close-up
Gone2Disneyland: My Fair Lady
Gone2Disneyland: Cocktail Serenade
Gone2Disneyland: The View from the Upper Floor gallery
Gone2Disneyland: A Wall in the Upper Floor Gallery
Gone2Disneyland: Upper Floor Gallery Wall
Gone2Disneyland: Diner's Club Guy
Gone2Disneyland: Portraits
Gone2Disneyland: Cavalier and Holocaust Portraits
Gone2Disneyland: Silverado
Gone2Disneyland: The King and the Material Girl
Gone2Disneyland: Bond, Star Trek and Camelot
Gone2Disneyland: Star Trek and Camelot
Gone2Disneyland: Star Trek: The Motion Picture, final and alternate
Gone2Disneyland: Star Trek: The Motion Picture, alternate
Gone2Disneyland: Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Gone2Disneyland: Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Gone2Disneyland: Star Trek: The Motion Picture, close-up
Gone2Disneyland: Star Trek: The Motion Picture, close-up
Gone2Disneyland: The Spy Who Loved Me
Gone2Disneyland: Bob Peak