Gone-Walkabout: Opening Batsman
Gone-Walkabout: Preparing the field
Gone-Walkabout: Finding his line
Gone-Walkabout: Push it away
Gone-Walkabout: Here it comes
Gone-Walkabout: Scorekeeper & Batting Team
Gone-Walkabout: Bowled
Gone-Walkabout: Bowled
Gone-Walkabout: Long Walk
Gone-Walkabout: Push it away
Gone-Walkabout: Watch out
Gone-Walkabout: Here it comes
Gone-Walkabout: Captain's Thanks
Gone-Walkabout: behind the back
Gone-Walkabout: Batting Guidance
Gone-Walkabout: Proper Blocking
Gone-Walkabout: Block it
Gone-Walkabout: En Garde
Gone-Walkabout: Brush aside
Gone-Walkabout: I spite you
Gone-Walkabout: The Colors
Gone-Walkabout: Sidelines
Gone-Walkabout: Couldn't Ask for a Better day
Gone-Walkabout: Church End
Gone-Walkabout: New Batsman
Gone-Walkabout: Run Out
Gone-Walkabout: Passing Batsman