Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: enticement fraught with danger..
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: Mamiya-Sekor C 110mm 1:2.8 on EOS.
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: Eastern Tiger Snake portrait
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: Strap-snouted Brown Snake at dusk..
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: "You underestimate the power of the dark side.."
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: portrait: Speckled Brown Snake
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: the art of vintage glass... Mamiya 645 medium format
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: portrait: the Truong Son Pit Viper