Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: Eastern Spiny-tailed Gecko portrait
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: Murray Valley Tiger portrait
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: small surprises lurk in the subdued light on the forest floor..
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: Leica R Series Macro Elmar 100/4 wide open on EOS
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: Spotted Tree Frog portrait.
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: Adelaide Delma Legless Lizard portrait
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: Growling Grass Frog Portrait
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: stood up and dateless at the rendezvous point.
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: Growling Grass Frog prepares to growl..
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: The imminence of the strike..
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: The personification of other worldly beauty..
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: Alpine Tree Frog (Litoria verreauxii alpina)
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: Leica R Series Bellows with 100mm Macro Elmar short lens on EOS.
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: Dainty Green Tree Frog (Litoria gracilenta)
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: Leica R Series Bellows with Leitz Wetzlar 100/4 Macro Elmar short lens on EOS.
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: portrait: Magnetic Island Death Adder
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: Western Tiger Snake portrait
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: portrait: Siamese Peninsula Pit Viper
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: portrait: Midline Knob-tailed Gecko
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: portrait: Victorian Smooth Froglet
Rob Valentic - Gondwana Reptile Productions: "Must've got my wires crossed..."