Gomisan: In other weekend activities Sylvia and I decorated our little Christmas tree!
Gomisan: Neuromancer being awfully good. #wetcat #cat #bathtime
Gomisan: Mr Biggles will be accompanying me on my European adventure #europe2013
Gomisan: Some very strange instructions on the box of a lens cleaning pen.
Gomisan: Playing #carcassonne The Castle with my lovely girlfriend. #bgg #boardgamegeek
Gomisan: Schloss Neuschwanstein in miniature. My #nanoblock Christmas present is complete.
Gomisan: Every day I pass this and think how clever it is. #streetart #mario #adelaide
Gomisan: Guess where! #hdr #melbourne
Gomisan: Me at the Melbourne Museum #melbourne #hdr
Gomisan: Breakfast at last, it was a bit of a walk :)
Gomisan: Dinner lady night, ate way too much of course.
Gomisan: Melbourne #hdr #buildings
Gomisan: Anyone noticed just how cool some barbers chairs are. This could be on a sci-fi starship bridge!
Gomisan: Dr Zombie at the #zombiewalk
Gomisan: With a wound like this, good thing I'm a Zombie! #zombiewalk
Gomisan: Brains!!! #zombiewalk
Gomisan: Evolution of a wound. #zombiewalk
Gomisan: Zombie hands! #zombiewalk
Gomisan: The beginnings of a chest wound. #zombiewalk
Gomisan: Zombie nails, final touches with black nail polish and lip liner. #zombiewalk
Gomisan: Followed by dead man yellow! #zombiewalk
Gomisan: Zombie nails, step 1. White undercoat. #zombiewalk
Gomisan: Creative coffee at the gallery
Gomisan: No Photos! Sylvia at the Art Gallery
Gomisan: Mutant giant lemon picked from my tree today! The other is good sized one too, but looks tiny in comparison!
Gomisan: Science at night.
Gomisan: Busted! My two cats snuggled up in their bed. #cats
Gomisan: Patiently waiting for the heater to come on #cats
Gomisan: Death of a Smurf
Gomisan: #tinyplanet #abstract Cyberspace