~gomez~: White River Trail
~gomez~: White River Trail
~gomez~: White River Trail
~gomez~: le gravelist, the black bike
~gomez~: Fox River Trail Glacier County Park
~gomez~: Surly and the Cloud Factory
~gomez~: Monkey Bars, the Cloud Machine & the Black Bike
~gomez~: Hill?
~gomez~: black bike
~gomez~: Corkscrew Willow
~gomez~: Black Bike
~gomez~: Hootie Hurdles
~gomez~: Bethany over the Swollen Des Plaines River
~gomez~: Kettle Opening Day
~gomez~: Kettle Opening Day
~gomez~: PETS
~gomez~: PETS
~gomez~: Putty
~gomez~: Bernese Water Mtn. Dogs
~gomez~: Grounded
~gomez~: Cecil
~gomez~: Cecil Smiles @ Bong
~gomez~: Black Bike - Spring Green
~gomez~: Pets Trail
~gomez~: Team Blurry
~gomez~: Wed. Eve PETs Ride
~gomez~: Wed. Eve PETs Ride
~gomez~: Wed. Eve PETs Ride
~gomez~: Rough Weekend
~gomez~: Kettle Flowers