Gomen S: Large-billed Crow in Hokkiado 2
Gomen S: Bluespotted Stingray - May 2017 - 1
Gomen S: Great Skua
Gomen S: Malabar Blood Snapper - 1
Gomen S: Greenhouse Frog
Gomen S: Little Cuttlefish (1)
Gomen S: Threespot Dascyllus
Gomen S: An Unhealthy Eel
Gomen S: Blenny with A Scarf
Gomen S: LIzardfish on A Branch
Gomen S: Common Moorhen
Gomen S: Ugly Map Puffer
Gomen S: DSC01145Dec 11 2017_1
Gomen S: Yellowtail Barracuda
Gomen S: Anemone Crab - 2
Gomen S: Yellow Painted Frogfish
Gomen S: Tropical Striped Triplefin in Bali - 1
Gomen S: Sea Hares with Eggs
Gomen S: Orbicular Burrfish - 3
Gomen S: Underwater Cave in Menjangan Island, Bali
Gomen S: Black Comb-tooth Blenny - 2
Gomen S: Mandarinfish Mating Pair
Gomen S: Mating Ball
Gomen S: Huge Sea Fan
Gomen S: Slit
Gomen S: Sea Fan In Menjangan Island
Gomen S: Hawksbill in Bali
Gomen S: Commerson's Frogfish in Menjangan Island
Gomen S: Sarasvati Anemone Shrimp - 2
Gomen S: Short-legged Toad Jul2018 - 2