gomattolson: Wu-Mart
gomattolson: Wanchai Ferry
gomattolson: We Didn't Die
gomattolson: Guinness Record does not Mean You're in the Book
gomattolson: Offering
gomattolson: Importance Detail
gomattolson: Lama Temple Lion
gomattolson: Inside Confucius Temple
gomattolson: Confucius Temple
gomattolson: Easter Bunny Riding a Tiger
gomattolson: Guess
gomattolson: Temple of Heaven Jump!
gomattolson: Temple of Heaven Nerds
gomattolson: Temple of Heaven Framed
gomattolson: Temple of Heaven Karaoke
gomattolson: My Favorite "Car"
gomattolson: Pure Goodness
gomattolson: Our Duck
gomattolson: Carving the Duck Tableside
gomattolson: Duck # 1,150,325,487
gomattolson: Food in my belly
gomattolson: Budding
gomattolson: Summer Palace Ninja Attack Jump!
gomattolson: Spirtual Assistant to the Ninja Jump!
gomattolson: Pink
gomattolson: Summer Palace
gomattolson: Roof Detail
gomattolson: Roof lines
gomattolson: Temple Buddha Detail
gomattolson: Summer Palace Temple