noir imp: angling for wet food
noir imp: Cat and mouse
noir imp: Voyage
noir imp: Voyage continues
noir imp: Birds
noir imp: Rasputina's face
noir imp: Lick
noir imp: Spencer at Hanukkah
noir imp: Spencer whirled
noir imp: Egret
noir imp: Egret 2
noir imp: Florida_birds
noir imp: Hunger
noir imp: Pelicans
noir imp: squirrel
noir imp: jump
noir imp: vigilance
noir imp: Rasputina reclining before her heated god, the radiator
noir imp: A head, a blob
noir imp: relentless beast
noir imp: "telepathic" bird
noir imp: hi-key squirrel
noir imp: Richard and Duncan
noir imp: bokeh-nine
noir imp: lazy cat yawn
noir imp: Grant Park morning