tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #1 a from back tee 084 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #1 b from middle tee 083 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills New Monster #1 449
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #1 c from front tee 082 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #1 d 085 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #1 e 086 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills New Monster #1 450
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #1 f uphill approach087 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills New Monster #1 451
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #1 g pitch to green 088 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #1 h short right of green 089 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #1 i green from right front 090 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #2 a par 3 from middle tee 091 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #2 b par 3 from front tee 092 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills New Monster #2 452 par 3
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills New Monster #2 453 par 3
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #2 short right of green 093 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #3 a from front tee 094 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills New Monster #3 454
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills New Monster #3 455
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #3 b 095 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #3 c 096 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #3 d 097 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills New Monster #3 456
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #3 e uphill pitcj to green 098 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #3 f right green front bunker 099 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #3 g green 100 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills New Monster #3 457
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #3 h view back 126 (2)
tewiespix: Resorts Catskills #4 drop shot par 3 from back tee 124 (2)