tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #1 from tee 089
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #1 g approach 090
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #1 right greenside bunker 091
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #2 par 3 190 yards 093
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #3 short par 4 094
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #3 hazard crosses fairway 095
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #4 from tee par 5 096
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #4 par 5 secod shot 097
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #4 uphill approach 098
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #5 from tee par 5 099
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #5 from tee zoomed 100
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #6 par 3 101
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #7 from tee 102
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #7 g approach 103
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #8 from tee 104
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #8 pitch to green 105
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #9 from tee 106
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #9 x 200 yards out 107
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #9 y approach 108
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #10 par 3 137 yards 109
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #11 from tee par 5 110
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #11 par 5 second shot 111
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #11 uphill approach 190 yards 112
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #11 v coyote in the rough 115
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #11 xpitch to green 116
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #11 y right side of green 117
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #12 from blue tee 118
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #12 from white tee 119
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #12 g approach 120r
tewiespix: Mountain Dell - Canyon #13 par 3 165 yards 121