tewiespix: Dakota Winds #1 from tee 842
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #1 g 175 yards out 843
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #1 h 135 yards out center of fairway 950
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #1 h 135 yards out from right rough 949
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #1 h from 100 yards center 844
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #1 i 75 yards out 845
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #1 j front left of green 952
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #2 a white tee markers 847
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #2 b from white tee dogleg left 846
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #2 c from gold tee dogleg left 848
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #2 c from tee dogleg left 953
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #2 d from gold te looking to cut off dogleg left 849
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #2 e at dogleg 200 yards out851
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #2 f at dogleg 195 yards out850
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #2 g b appraoch from 180 over hazard 954
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #2 g pitch from 95 yards out 852
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #2 g pitch from left rough 85 yards out 955
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #2 h green 853
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #3 a from tee slight dogleg left 854
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #3 b uphill 195 yards out 855
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #3 c uphill approach 956
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #3 c uphill pitch to green 95 yards out 856
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #3 c v uphill pitch to green 957
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #3 d 30 yards from green 857
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #3 e view of cornfield and grain bins left of green 858
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #3 view of green and cornfield to left 958
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #4 par 3 165 yards 859
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #4 par 3 zoomed 860
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #5 from tee par 5 861
tewiespix: Dakota Winds #5 par 5 fairway 862