tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #1 from tee 111
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #1 g approach 112
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #1 pitch over burn 113
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #1 green made birdie putt 114
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #2 from tee par 5 115
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #2 par 5 fairway116
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #2 par 5 second shot 117
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #2 par 5 x approach 118
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #2 pitch to green 119
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #2 x Ian on the green 120
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #3 par 3 195 yards hidden burn runs along right side 121r
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #4 from tee 122
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #4 view of cows right side of fairway 123
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #4 g approach from left rough 124
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #5 from tee slight dogleg left125
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #5 g left side of fairway 126
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #5 h left fairway bunkers 127
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #5 hillocky fairway 130 yards out 128
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #5 uphill pitchto green from fairway cleavage 129
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #6 from tee dogleg left 130r
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #6 uphill approach 131
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #6 uphill approach 132
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #6 uphill approach 133
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #6 uphill pitch from left side of fairway 134r
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #7 par 3 145 yards but plays long 135
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #7 par 3 SA on tee 136 cropped
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #7 x green from back left corner137
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #8 from tee short downhill zoomed par 4 138
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #8 from tee short downhill par 4 139
tewiespix: Narin & Portnoo #8 pitch to green140