GoldWillow: Mount Hood
GoldWillow: I love old barns
GoldWillow: Pearl's Farm
GoldWillow: Willow and the Apple tree
GoldWillow: Leaves are tasty
GoldWillow: Reachiiiiing!
GoldWillow: Hair vs. apples
GoldWillow: Snake Gourds
GoldWillow: Oh gourd!
GoldWillow: Relax
GoldWillow: Have a seat
GoldWillow: Brussel sprouts
GoldWillow: Indian Corn
GoldWillow: pumpkin?
GoldWillow: More leaves
GoldWillow: IMG_3583
GoldWillow: Smart cookies...
GoldWillow: Eating some vines
GoldWillow: Dahlias