John McAleer: Dawn landing in Nadi, Fiji...
John McAleer: Reflections of Fiji..
John McAleer: Walking the trail...
John McAleer: Nadi to Suva...
John McAleer: 2 Beers please Mister...
John McAleer: Schools in.....
John McAleer: Fiji kids....
John McAleer: Under the Bench...Sigatoka, Fiji.
John McAleer: Sigatoka Markets, Fiji...
John McAleer: Rain on the Warrior...
John McAleer: Fire...
John McAleer: The Beach Cup...
John McAleer: Weather knows no Holidays...
John McAleer: Oink, Oink...
John McAleer: Fijian Bure...
John McAleer: Fijian Waterfall...
John McAleer: Old Bridge, Sigatoka, Fiji...
John McAleer: Coral Coast, Fiji...
John McAleer: Coral Coast, Fiji...
John McAleer: I'm sure they wont be much longer ...
John McAleer: Psst, is he gone yet...?
John McAleer: Give me a hand...
John McAleer: Go with the Fro...
John McAleer: Can you see me ??
John McAleer: Market Day...
John McAleer: Paradise Island...
John McAleer: Only One in the Comfort zone...
John McAleer: Washing Day...
John McAleer: My Washings done...
John McAleer: The Simpsons...