vs_gokul: A portrait
vs_gokul: Sandpiper I guess..
vs_gokul: Eyes speek
vs_gokul: The bicycle diaries
vs_gokul: The keen observant
vs_gokul: Squirrel and the Nut
vs_gokul: The street
vs_gokul: Myna
vs_gokul: Green Bee Eater
vs_gokul: Chameleon
vs_gokul: Knight
vs_gokul: Kerala Tourism
vs_gokul: Malayannan
vs_gokul: Abondand
vs_gokul: The splash
vs_gokul: Red-whiskered Bulbul
vs_gokul: Caught You
vs_gokul: Astonished
vs_gokul: Ambiguity
vs_gokul: 44 Benz Logo
vs_gokul: Classic benz
vs_gokul: Many letters one word.
vs_gokul: Life without walls
vs_gokul: An Installation
vs_gokul: From an installation of Amar Kanwar
vs_gokul: Caught from Aspin Wall
vs_gokul: The last supper
vs_gokul: A photo of Sky panel
vs_gokul: Stranger
vs_gokul: Heron