gojira2012: Leinster, Murray - The Wailing Asteroid
gojira2012: Leinster, Murray - The Wailing Asteroid back cover
gojira2012: Smith, George O. - Space Plague
gojira2012: Smith, George O. - Space Plague back cover
gojira2012: Bond, Nelson - No Time Like the Future
gojira2012: Bond, Nelson - No Time Like the Future back cover
gojira2012: Aldiss, Brian W - Cryptozoic!
gojira2012: Henderson, Zenna - The People, No Different Flesh
gojira2012: Simak, Clifford - The Worlds of Clifford Simak
gojira2012: Shaw, Bob - Nightwalk
gojira2012: Malzberg, Barry N. - In the Enclosure
gojira2012: Malzberg, Barry N. - In the Enclosure back cover