goingsomewhere: the entrance
goingsomewhere: lakes entrance
goingsomewhere: Lakes Entrance
goingsomewhere: Eastern Beach Rd
goingsomewhere: traditional family picnic spot goes under
goingsomewhere: brown sea
goingsomewhere: bad gate-keeping
goingsomewhere: submerged oval
goingsomewhere: big river
goingsomewhere: the impy (not the erskineville impy, obvs)
goingsomewhere: 'water over road'. well duh.
goingsomewhere: winter landscape with water
goingsomewhere: the house that lost its mooringsand floated a ways
goingsomewhere: the lake at the bottom of my mother's street
goingsomewhere: wy yung road to nowhere
goingsomewhere: the inland sea
goingsomewhere: treetops
goingsomewhere: the inland sea mark two
goingsomewhere: water this way
goingsomewhere: wild drive
goingsomewhere: wild drive ii
goingsomewhere: micallister river @ sale
goingsomewhere: bridge. emergency services folks.
goingsomewhere: the actual lakes become rivers, while the rivers become lakes