goingslo: Great Blue Heron
goingslo: Great Blue Heron and Great Blue Heron
goingslo: Self Portrait
goingslo: California Coastline
goingslo: The Old Requa Inn
goingslo: It Feels Like Home - A Series
goingslo: Purple Salsify
goingslo: Yurok Indian Ceremonial Site
goingslo: Dead Driftwood
goingslo: Snake In The Grass
goingslo: Catch of the Day
goingslo: Hiking Through The Alders - Explore #315 6/23/12
goingslo: My Wake-Up Call
goingslo: Resident Osprey
goingslo: Steller's Jay
goingslo: For Jack
goingslo: Intrusive Flowers
goingslo: This Morning's View - A Series
goingslo: Coastal Redwoods - California
goingslo: Skunk Cabbage Trail
goingslo: Battery Point Lighthouse
goingslo: Local Osprey With Catch
goingslo: Old Farm Stock Barn
goingslo: Brewer's Blackbird in the Garden
goingslo: This Evening's Walk
goingslo: The Beach Belonged To Us And The Birds
goingslo: Forest Fungi
goingslo: A Favorite View
goingslo: Wilson's Warbler
goingslo: Cedar Waxwing-A Most Handsome Bird