flush gorden: well if you're sure you don't need it
flush gorden: you might have the power but there's more of us
flush gorden: look it's getting better
flush gorden: new year old breakfast
flush gorden: i'll nurture this little flame
flush gorden: why is your name on here twice?
flush gorden: i can still suck it in
flush gorden: you do know you're...
flush gorden: yes do go into the light
flush gorden: the good, the bad, and the worse
flush gorden: you took the long way round
flush gorden: stabbity stab all over the back
flush gorden: let's cut all ties here
flush gorden: some parts might have broken off
flush gorden: disease ridden filth
flush gorden: you speak with no tounge
flush gorden: i smell something on fire
flush gorden: do not trust a word they say
flush gorden: let it rain fire upon them
flush gorden: can't look themselves in the face
flush gorden: drowning in their own rage
flush gorden: the blind leading the desperate
flush gorden: eyes down and keep walking
flush gorden: you're going to pieces
flush gorden: this place opens all the old wounds
flush gorden: something scared the pants off you
flush gorden: you see nothing you touch nothing
flush gorden: wash your hand before eating
flush gorden: get in my belly
flush gorden: see isn't that satisfying