flush gorden: today is a good day
flush gorden: well it's a little more fun than just picking one
flush gorden: my gawd it's beautiful
flush gorden: they need to have more more more
flush gorden: that was a damn nasty cup of coffee
flush gorden: this bangbangna is loaded
flush gorden: toast toast toast toast butter
flush gorden: try and try but you can't help chewing
flush gorden: what do they do with the holes?
flush gorden: mars for work, rest and cupcake
flush gorden: i love twiglets
flush gorden: sometimes you have to wonder if there's a benefit to it
flush gorden: um i don't know what could have happened
flush gorden: it's all in the presentation
flush gorden: it's an invasion but this time I'm prepared
flush gorden: cereal isn't just for breakfast
flush gorden: guess which one's mine
flush gorden: the tastiest of all the apples
flush gorden: double biscuit or empire biscuit?
flush gorden: simple simon is getting nothing from this pie man
flush gorden: the first bite is the tastiest
flush gorden: yes i would like some roll with my butter
flush gorden: jim can you hear me? jiiiiimmmm
flush gorden: i think it's more foam than fizz
flush gorden: i think a night cap is in order
flush gorden: a trinity of tastiness
flush gorden: they forgot one serving suggestion
flush gorden: is there a sadder sight to see?
flush gorden: fresh cool tasteless
flush gorden: if they're that smart how did they get locked in that tube