flush gorden: keep calm one last time......
flush gorden: keep calm some more and....
flush gorden: keep calm and......
flush gorden: i have towel......lets fly
flush gorden: but i don't want to work the holidays
flush gorden: my gawd it's beautiful
flush gorden: say aaaaaah aaaaah aaarrrrggh
flush gorden: i hear the party startin'
flush gorden: once upon a time there were three laptops
flush gorden: you ever get the feeling someone is behind you doing stuff
flush gorden: dammit you dastardly cherub
flush gorden: stand back i'm going to try science....again
flush gorden: your wishes are important to us
flush gorden: it's not all stab stab slash stab
flush gorden: bah bumhugs
flush gorden: now i have something here to help you forget
flush gorden: nine, ten...eleven?
flush gorden: dawn, day, night and all full of the dead
flush gorden: oh gawd it must have been someone i ate
flush gorden: i'm just the nice man who lives next door
flush gorden: it's getting better since keeping my hands to myself
flush gorden: i may not swallow your soul but i'll nibble it a bit
flush gorden: today is so sew
flush gorden: the all seeing eye is useless with a hat on
flush gorden: don't get grabbed by the ghosties
flush gorden: sometimes you just can't keep it in
flush gorden: if i had one that is where the heart would go
flush gorden: oh dear are those fingerprints noticable
flush gorden: i'll be coming to get you
flush gorden: you know i don't even like the opera