Goingberg: Horse in action
Goingberg: Some Green, Some Blue and a Horse
Goingberg: Silhouette of horse and equestrian
Goingberg: Keeshond relaxing
Goingberg: Happy Keeshond
Goingberg: Horses at dawn
Goingberg: Snow, sun & dog
Goingberg: Bird and moving water
Goingberg: Sea mews and snow
Goingberg: Zack on a big log
Goingberg: Kees at dawn
Goingberg: My Japanese Spitz "Linus"
Goingberg: Kayzon likes the snow
Goingberg: Inachis Io
Goingberg: Bumblebees. On a...ballflower?
Goingberg: My Keeshond (or Wolf Spitz) "Kayzon"