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albums of Go Green Initiative
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Vasco Road Landfill Field Trip
OPS Center Waste Audit
Harvest Power Field Trip
World Environment Day Celebration 2018
Amador Waste Audit
Local Leaders Speak to PUSD School Board
Amador Local Leaders of the 21st Century - Creek Cleanup
Local Leaders Field Trip to Zone 7 Water Facilities
Amador Local Leaders Tour Nuclear Plant
Chester Healthy Bodies=Healthy Minds
Local Leaders Earth Day 2017
Slideshow for new members
AVHS Local Leaders PUSD School Board Presentation 12/13/2016
Healthy Food Summit In Chester, PA
AVHS | Bob Molinaro 9/30/2016
AVHS Local Leaders Landfill Field Trip
Carbon Crooner: Behind-the-Scenes
Energy Apocalypse: Behind-the-Scenes
Local Leader Speech to Chamber of Commerce
AVHS | PGS & Republic Landfill
AVHS | Bob Molinaro
AVHS | Nelson Fialho
AVHS | Jerry Thorne
"Energy Express" Behind-the-scenes
Oroville Dam
Safeway BBQ for Earth Day Contest Winners
Earth Day Contest Prizes
YK Pao Elementary in Shanghai -Goal: to be the Greenest School in China
Giant Panda & Red Panda
Giant Panda Research Facility in Chengdu
Chengdu Water Irrigation Project
Post Earthquake Homes in Sichuan Province
Post Earthquake School in Sichuan Province
China Green Companies Summit Speakers
Go Green Earth Summit 2006
Go Green Earth Summit 2007
Go Green Earth Summit 2005