Goggla: Eurasian Eagle Owl
Goggla: Eurasian Eagle Owl
Goggla: Great Horned Owl
Goggla: Great Horned Owl
Goggla: Barred Owl
Goggla: Barred owl
Goggla: Barred owl
Goggla: Barred owl
Goggla: Barred owl
Goggla: Barred owl
Goggla: Great-horned owl
Goggla: Great-horned owl and red-tailed hawk
Goggla: Great Horned Owl
Goggla: Great Horned Owl
Goggla: Great Horned Owl harrassed by crows
Goggla: Great Horned Owl scolds an American Crow
Goggla: Crow and Great Horned Owl
Goggla: Great Horned Owl and Crow
Goggla: Crow and Owl having words
Goggla: Crow and Owl having words
Goggla: Great Horned Owl pestered by crow
Goggla: Mockingbird tempts fate
Goggla: Mockingbird tempts fate
Goggla: Great Horned Owl scolds Mockingbird
Goggla: Great Horned Owl and Mockingbird
Goggla: Great Horned Owl
Goggla: Great Horned Owl
Goggla: Great horned owl chicks
Goggla: Great horned owl parent
Goggla: Great Horned Owl