Walks Across: Tiger lily
Walks Across: Medicine Lake, Jasper, Alberta, Canada
Walks Across: Great blue
Walks Across: red fox
Walks Across: bully boy
Walks Across: black bear/ Jasper, Alberta
Walks Across: Bear in Jasper, Alberta
Walks Across: Little fella
Walks Across: flower girls
Walks Across: (brown) black bear
Walks Across: Get my point?
Walks Across: my left foot?
Walks Across: Yoga bear
Walks Across: young coyote
Walks Across: 'nother one
Walks Across: windy wave
Walks Across: maaa maaa
Walks Across: where the bleeps the trail?
Walks Across: come on ..you can do it!
Walks Across: Canadarago Lake, NY
Walks Across: at rest
Walks Across: white wings