Walks Across: blue bear
Walks Across: griz peekaboo
Walks Across: Bring it!
Walks Across: Don't cry, bro
Walks Across: Look who's coming for dinner
Walks Across: black bear
Walks Across: big griz in Yellowstone
Walks Across: Yellowstone grizzly 6/08
Walks Across: black bear mom & cub
Walks Across: mom & cubs Jasper 7/08
Walks Across: black bear/ British Columbia
Walks Across: sweet guy just sitting and waiting
Walks Across: warning signs on Bear Creek Rd. Seward, Ak
Walks Across: cub brown bear Seward
Walks Across: bear cub descending a tree
Walks Across: mom and cubs
Walks Across: more mama and cubs
Walks Across: curious cub
Walks Across: black bear and berries.
Walks Across: nahhh nahhh
Walks Across: bear in a bush
Walks Across: pointer bear in training
Walks Across: out for a stroll
Walks Across: bear warning sign
Walks Across: looking for a friend?
Walks Across: Montana grizzly
Walks Across: curious
Walks Across: peek-a-boo
Walks Across: I know it's under here somewhere
Walks Across: what'r you lookin at?