mkk707: Commuter traffic
mkk707: Night tram
mkk707: Same place, same film, different time, camera and lens
mkk707: Testing a fast vintage telephoto lens on a half-frame film camera
mkk707: Testing a fast vintage telephoto lens on a half-frame film camera
mkk707: Reflections
mkk707: Blue
mkk707: A glass window is a big mirror
mkk707: da capo for Da Capo
mkk707: Warm and beckoning
mkk707: Last one out
mkk707: trinkets at the Christmas market (cine film)
mkk707: Foggy night on cine film
mkk707: Ambiente
mkk707: So this is how cine film does fog
mkk707: Goldene Krone
mkk707: parking deck
mkk707: Leica IIIa with Summaron 3.5cm
mkk707: Leica IIIa with Summaron 3.5cm
mkk707: NOOKY-HESUM test
mkk707: Dark .... darker .... Fomapan
mkk707: The lair of the old crone
mkk707: Leica II after the CLA
mkk707: Nikon in the fog
mkk707: Nikon in the fog
mkk707: Nikon in the fog
mkk707: Nikon in the fog
mkk707: Nikon in the fog
mkk707: Nikon in the fog
mkk707: Nikon in the fog