mkk707: Canon EOS3
mkk707: Rosetta end of mission
mkk707: fire on cine film
mkk707: Strike the iron while it is hot
mkk707: Ambiente
mkk707: winter sunset
mkk707: mandarins
mkk707: Cry wolf!
mkk707: ICE 4
mkk707: Structure
mkk707: The eleventh specimen
mkk707: Selfie
mkk707: Ready to pounce
mkk707: Royal stemware
mkk707: My new computer
mkk707: Glorious winter morning
mkk707: Bust of a young woman, 1600s
mkk707: Sahelanthropus tchadensis
mkk707: This is the real thing
mkk707: That look ...
mkk707: Mr. Weirdears again
mkk707: Da book
mkk707: sculpture of young girl, 1700s
mkk707: winter sunset
mkk707: trinkets at the Christmas market (cine film)
mkk707: Glass flower vase, Jugendstil era
mkk707: Goldene Krone
mkk707: Ornamental crystal cup, 1700s
mkk707: Kingdom: Animalia. Phylum: Chordata. Class: Mammalia.
mkk707: Orc skull?