mkk707: Leica D-Lux lens flare test
mkk707: Leica D-Lux macro bokeh test
mkk707: Christmas market. Darmstadt, Germany
mkk707: Rosehip
mkk707: red, uh wotsit berries
mkk707: ivy on a very dark and gloomy winter day
mkk707: misty pre-sunrise
mkk707: freezing fog
mkk707: Still snowing hard
mkk707: Three telephoto lenses
mkk707: The village of a thousand smokes
mkk707: Leica R3: First Roll
mkk707: Exploring the limit
mkk707: Leica R7 with Summicron-R 35mm
mkk707: fallen leaves
mkk707: Afternoon winter sun on leaves
mkk707: The, er ... wotsit flower
mkk707: Ich war noch niemals in New York ...
mkk707: cold and warm (film)
mkk707: Christmas station (film)
mkk707: night lights on film
mkk707: dream stars and dream catchers (film)
mkk707: Braving the elements
mkk707: Snowy park
mkk707: Rainy, cold, soggy
mkk707: Heavy snowfall (film)
mkk707: Киев встречает Деда Мороза
mkk707: Access to the skating rink
mkk707: Velvet winter night sky (film)
mkk707: snow falling on ivy