goforchris: Mummy needs a top-up
goforchris: Daddy'll do the cards
goforchris: What's this?
goforchris: Party warms up
goforchris: Birthday hat
goforchris: Birthday pose
goforchris: Do you think it suits me?
goforchris: Voila!
goforchris: Everyone wants to see
goforchris: Time for a chat
goforchris: Serious stuff, this
goforchris: The cake
goforchris: Not quite you either
goforchris: Balloons!
goforchris: What about some real food now?
goforchris: The festive table
goforchris: Filling up
goforchris: The guests arrive
goforchris: Getting ready
goforchris: All over!
goforchris: Dismantling the cake
goforchris: No? Off with it, then!
goforchris: Get this down you!
goforchris: Jack in the box
goforchris: The first bottle
goforchris: ..The room and the people!
goforchris: Cheers! Reprise of the wedding?
goforchris: With a little help
goforchris: Time to blow out that candle
goforchris: What about a spot of telly?